Hair Extension Removals in Kensal Rise



When it comes to keeping your natural hair safe, removal is just as important as application. 

If your removal is done badly, it can cause serious damage to your hair, even if your extensions were of the highest quality. It is NEVER a good idea to save money by removing extensions yourself or having your friend do it. As a hair extension specialist in Kensal Rise, I offer the professional, non-damaging removal of all types of extensions, even those not done by Speak Volumes. If you need your extensions removed due to their poor quality, hopefully, your bad experience hasn't put you off hair extensions in general. Once the old ones are out, I'd love to help you find a solution to your hair loss issues and see your confidence grow once again!



Out With the Old, In with the New

Let me put your extensions right and give your hair another chance.
Give me a call on 07508 320 744 or email to see how I can help.

This service is extremely bespoke. Each system is unique and designed, then hand made for each individual client and order, hence a thorough in person consultation is absolutely essential so as to achieve appropriate quote and desired results that fit like a glove. Please get in touch to discuss and arrange a free consultation.

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Get The Hair You’ve Always Dreamt Of!

Let’s have a chat about what you’re looking for and see how I can help you get there.
07508 320 744 or email now for a FREE consultation.

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